- Issue created by @Grimreaper
- Assigned to Grimreaper
- 🇫🇷France Grimreaper France 🇫🇷
Bootstrap 3:
Bootstrap 5:
Bootstrap 3 had a btn-xs, whereas in Bootstrap 5 there is no smaller than btn-sm.
- @grimreaper opened merge request.
- 🇫🇷France Grimreaper France 🇫🇷
In templates/overrides/block/block--local-actions-block.html.twig, it was not possible to use the list pattern because "content" have cacheable metadata in the render array.
Also preprocess of menu local action taken and adapted from https://git.drupalcode.org/project/bootstrap/-/blob/8.x-3.x/src/Plugin/P...
Grimreaper →
committed fe0334a7 on 5.0.x
Issue #3355766 by Grimreaper: Menu local actions integration
Grimreaper →
committed fe0334a7 on 5.0.x
- Issue was unassigned.
- Status changed to Fixed
almost 2 years ago 1:37pm 24 April 2023 Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.