The configuration options are sort of confusing and some microcopy unclear

Created on 22 April 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 27 April 2023, over 1 year ago


First you have two permissions on /admin/people/permissions, one is for accessing the preview feature (Access to extended preview feature) on node edit pages, and the other is for accessing the same page preview configuration (Administer same_page_preview configuration).

Access to extended preview feature - i ask myself what does extended preview feature refer to in the context of same page preview. am i am able to access the open in new window functionality if my role has that permission or is there anything else advanced i can make available to a role with that permission?

Administer same_page_preview configuration - that refers to configuration in general. as a user i wonder am i am only able to administer configuration when this permission is granted? why only trustworthy roles are able to administer configuration? just referring to configuration sounds granular and leaves impression i am unable to make any adjustment as a regular user but if i understand it correctly the permission refers to accessing the configuration page.

if you go to /admin/config/system/same-page-preview you have three checkboxes on by default, enable for article content type, and enable for basic page content type. on the dedicated edit pages for each content type you also have on the submission form settings tab the enable same page preview checkbox which probably is identical function-wise to the checkboxes on the configuration page? (on a side note when i uncheck the enable same page preview checkbox and save the content type, the checkbox is rechecked and active when i get back onto the edit page of the content type and its submission form settings tab.)

the enable same page preview checkboxes on the content type edit pages feel sort of redundant to the content type specific checkboxes on the configuration page. that is pretty confusing and they probably interfere.

and speaking of the configuration page. the permission required to access the configuration page has the word of caution that this permission should only be given to trusted roles. so i wouldn't give that permission to for example a content editor role but how would a content editor role then being able to reach the configuration page which has the personalization settings-field set which i imagine is intended that a user is able to set the same page preview on by default? personalization settings sounds like on a per user basis but permission wise it looks like more of a global setting?

if i check on by default and leave enable for article content type, and enable for basic page content type unchecked and go to one content types add node page i see the same page preview expanded and shown.

if i keep on by default unchecked and enable for article content type, and enable for basic page content type instead checked and go to one content types add node page the same pager preview window is collapsed and not shown.

and all three checkbox labels on the configuration page imply preview being on/enabled? but is the Access to extended preview feature permission the global off switch for a user role? while the site builder then is able to limit the access to the same page preview functionality further for the roles able to access the feature by setting for which content types the feature is active? but due to the always on checkboxes on the edit pages of the content types the live preview checkbox is shown on every node edit page for every content type.

Steps to reproduce

Proposed resolution

  • would it make sense to remove the Enable Same Page Preview checkboxes on the content types?
  • i then wonder is the personalization settings field set with the on by default checkbox necessary at all? been a while but if i remember correctly the recommendation in the a11y office hour was to keep the same page preview window collapsed/closed when a node edit page is opened the first time by a user. and if a user opened the same page preview the first time for a node closes the page and revisits the open state of the preview is remembered. therefore i am uncertain if the on by default checkbox is necessary at all?
  • and would it make sense to adjust the two permission labels and their descriptions? perhaps something like (only a rough draft):
Use Same Page Preview
Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications. Displays a Live preview checkbox for node edit pages. 

*It isn't a page that is accessed but a feature used on a page therefore exchanged access with use and used the module name instead of extended preview feature. i've crosschecked with other permissions and they utilize use as well. and i've changed the description. instead of enabling i've described what actually happens, that the live preview checkbox is displayed on node edit pages.

Access the configuration page
Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications. Granting access to the configuration page.

*not sure if administer is the correct term in that context because the permission is about accessing of the configuration page. and i am uncertain if the description is necessary at all in that case because the permission label is more or less self explanatory.

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🇩🇪Germany rkoller Nürnberg, Germany

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