Provide help text description for the edge to edge inside of EBT Core

Created on 3 April 2023, almost 2 years ago
Updated 4 April 2023, almost 2 years ago


Inside of EBT core is there a bunch of design options that is being used for many other EBT projects and it's nice. However inside of ebt_core is there an option to edge to edge checkbox and there is no descriptions for this. I was asked about that in the PoC and I wasn't really sure to explain besides the name. So I tested that and I realized that checking it the CSS generated will add the class .ebt-edge-to-edge and it'll apply from left to right in the entire screen. Now it's clear for me so I'd suggest using the description to explain that for the CMS editors that don't have familiarity accessing in the code

Steps to reproduce

Proposed resolution

  1. Implement the #description in the #Form API class
  2. Put a description for Edge to Edge
  3. Remember to use StringTranslationInterface to make it available at User translate interface

Remaining tasks

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

Feature request






Created by

🇧🇷Brazil renatog Campinas

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