- Issue created by @omkar.podey
- Status changed to Postponed
over 1 year ago 12:29pm 24 March 2023 - 🇮🇳India omkar.podey
Created a core issue ✨ Create something like getAllScaffoldfiles() in core-composer-scaffold. Active and blocking this one on that.
- 🇺🇸United States tedbow Ithaca, NY, USA
Needs a summary update to bring in more context. You should have to read the other issue to understand the basics of this issue
- 🇺🇸United States chrisfromredfin Portland, Maine
I believe this is related, or even a duplicate of ✨ [PP-1] Add support for scaffold files that aren't defined by Drupal core or the root composer.json Postponed , which DOES have a good issue summary.
The issue here is that in 📌 Do not allow drupal/core-composer-scaffold to be used by packages other than core Fixed we restricted use of plugins that are allowed to scaffold files to only the implicit ones.
Now that we're maturing, I was looking at things like "what would it take to get this running on, say, Pantheon hosting?" For one, Pantheon has pantheon-systems/drupal-integrations, which simply scaffolds three files in the sites/default folder.
So while knowing those files (via ✨ Create something like getAllScaffoldfiles() in core-composer-scaffold. Active ) would be nice, I wonder if there's also an option here to simply say, as a site owner "I know the scaffolding afforded by this plugin is safe, let's allow it to do what it does."
I imagine we could do this in a similar way as the composer plugins validator does, by adding some additional configuration that can be set:
https://git.drupalcode.org/project/automatic_updates/-/blame/3.0.x/packa... - 🇦🇺Australia tobybellwood
I wonder if there's also an option here to simply say, as a site owner "I know the scaffolding afforded by this plugin is safe, let's allow it to do what it does."
This would be ace - amazee.io & Lagoon hosters use https://github.com/amazeeio/drupal-integrations (or a variant) to lever in settings.php/Drush files.
Being able to document the plugin as "automatic updates safe" either upstream or in-project would make it easier. Until then, we run it once on composer install, and then `composer config extra.drupal-scaffold --unset` to stop it interfering with automatic updates.
The alternative would be a modification to composer-scaffold to disable it from autorunning selectively - meaning only `composer drupal:scaffold` will actually change the files on disk