Unable to provide queue or exchange configuration when using dotted naming convention

Created on 23 March 2023, almost 2 years ago
Updated 5 February 2024, about 1 year ago


Configuration can be used to provide settings per queue and/or exchange. However, since the configuration key is used to indicate the queue/exchange name, it is impossible to use a dotted naming convention.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Add a queue in RabbitMQ with the name "foo.bar"
  2. In rabbitmq.config.yml define configuration for the queue:
        arguments: { }
        auto_delete: false
        durable: true
        exclusive: false
        nowait: false
        passive: false
        routing_keys: {  }
        ticket: null
  3. Try to import the configuration and notice that the exception "foo.bar key contains a dot which is not supported." is thrown

Proposed resolution

Add a name property to the configuration for both the rabbitmq.exchange and rabbitmq.queue, and use the value of the name property to determine the configuration for a specific exchange/queue.

A queue can than be configured using:

    arguments: { }
    auto_delete: false
    durable: true
    exclusive: false
    name: 'foo.bar'
    nowait: false
    passive: false
    routing_keys: {  }
    ticket: null

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Name property is added for the configuration of exchanges and queues.

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πŸ‡³πŸ‡±Netherlands watergate

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