- Issue created by @ressa
As a new user here on drupal.org who may want to contribute, getting started with Drupal+Gitlab issue system of branching, Merge Requests, comments, etc. will be daunting for most.
The first time you push the "Create issue fork" button, you're not sure what will happen, what if I break something, etc. Some go ahead and do it, others will probably never, sadly ...
Originally an idea from 📌 Remove issue credit suggestions Fixed .
Be a new user on drupal.org who wants to contribute, and see that there are a lot of moving parts to understand.
The best way to learn a new technology is being able to tinker with it, fail, and immediately try again ("fail small, fail fast"). This is only possible if nothing breaks, when you do this experimentation
So as a new user, you'd have to be very driven, if you do it on a live site, where all your mistakes will be very public.
Ideally, it should be possible to practice in a playground, a safe area, where you can experiment, while not breaking anything.
The goal is for the new user to be able to have repeat interaction with the system, creating an issue, editing the code, adding commits, resolving comments, editing MR's, etc. until the new user feel comfortable enough to deal with real, live issues.
It would be great if there was a training project ("playground") for users who are new to Drupal/Gitlab, where they can create issues, add merge requests, add comments in the MR, resolve them, etc.
Automated testing should probably be disabled to save resources, as well as any crediting, indexing in https://www.drupal.org/project/issues/content → , and so on.
I think it would be a great way of lowering the barrier to entry, which as we know is tall for Drupal itself, adding Gitlab makes it even taller.
It could be housed under https://www.drupal.org/project/playground → or https://www.drupal.org/project/drupalgitlab →
Decide if it's a good idea and create the Playground if it is