What url path to view of the entity content by visitors if it as a single page

Created on 16 February 2023, about 2 years ago
Updated 7 March 2023, about 2 years ago


1.After module installed, you can navigate to "admin/structure/config_pages/types" and click on "Add config page".
2.Enter config page title and mount point, for example "admin/config/mysettings" and menu item type.
3.Choose context if you need (if for example you want to have different settings for different languages) and save config page.
4.Go to "https://drupal8.local/admin/structure/config_pages/types" and find your config page there, you can add desired fields as you do for any other entity.
5.If this config page is expected to be rendered (for exmaple if this is homepage config) manage display for your config page as you do for any other entity.
6.At this point you can find you page using the path from pt2. (admin/config/mysettings).
7.Give appropriate user roles access to config page you created (using permissions).


Can i know what is pt2?

What url path to view of the entity content by visitors if it as a single page. is (/config_pages/1) or (/config_pages/test)? not the administrator path with (/admin/config/test).

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