[beta1]⚠️ Avoid manually injected HTML in footer component

Created on 11 February 2023, almost 2 years ago
Updated 14 March 2023, almost 2 years ago


Footer component description has 4 fields where the markup is missing from the template and injected from the context:

Content field

      type: render
      label: Content
      description: Content render. Optional.
        - type: html_tag
          tag: p
              - fr-footer__content-desc
          value: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing, <strong>incididunt</strong>, ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Vitae sapien pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et. Diam maecenas sed enim ut. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.'
        - type: html_tag
          tag: ul
              - fr-footer__content-list
          value: '<li class="fr-footer__content-item">
                   <a class="fr-footer__content-link" href="https://legifrance.gouv.fr">legifrance.gouv.fr</a>
                   <li class="fr-footer__content-item">
                   <a class="fr-footer__content-link" href="https://gouvernement.fr">gouvernement.fr</a>
                   <li class="fr-footer__content-item">
                   <a class="fr-footer__content-link" href="https://service-public.fr">service-public.fr</a>
                   <li class="fr-footer__content-item">
                   <a class="fr-footer__content-link" href="https://data.gouv.fr">data.gouv.fr</a>

It would be better to spli the field and:

  • for desc: do the job directly in the pattern
  • for list: use a Drupal menu structure and to do the job directly in the pattern

Bottom field

      type: render
      label: Bottom content
      description: Bottom content render.
        - type: html_tag
          tag: ul
              - fr-footer__bottom-list
          value: '<li class="fr-footer__bottom-item">
                    <a class="fr-footer__bottom-link" href="#">Sitemap</a>
                <li class="fr-footer__bottom-item">
                    <a class="fr-footer__bottom-link" href="#">Accessibility</a>
                <li class="fr-footer__bottom-item">
                    <a class="fr-footer__bottom-link" href="#">Legal Notice</a>
                <li class="fr-footer__bottom-item">
                    <a class="fr-footer__bottom-link" href="#">Personal data</a>
                <li class="fr-footer__bottom-item">
                    <a class="fr-footer__bottom-link" href="#">Cookie management</a>
      - type: html_tag
          tag: div
              - fr-footer__bottom-copy
          value: 'Unless otherwise stated, all content

So, menu--footer.html.twig have this markup instead of being a plain presenter template::

{% if items %}
  <ul class="fr-footer__bottom-list">
    {% for item in items %}
      <li class="fr-footer__bottom-item">
        {{ link(item.title, item.url, item.attributes.addClass('fr-footer__bottom-link')) }}
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

It would be better to split the field and:

  • for list: use a Drupal menu structure and to do the job directly in the pattern
  • for copy: do the job directly in the pattern

Partners field

Partners is as similar situation, even if it is less obvious because preview key is missing from the definition.

However, we will manage this issue as a new feature, in its own ticket: [beta7] Add footer partners Active

Top field

Top is in a similar situation, even if it is less obvious because preview key is missing from the definition:

      type: render
      label: Top content
      description: Top content render. Optional.

Example of markup;

<div class="fr-footer__top">
  <div class="fr-container">
      <div class="fr-grid-row fr-grid-row--start fr-grid-row--gutters">
          <div class="fr-col-12 fr-col-sm-3 fr-col-md-2">
              <h3 class="fr-footer__top-cat">Nom de la catégorie</h3>
              <ul class="fr-footer__top-list">
                      <a class="fr-footer__top-link" href="#">Lien de navigation</a>
                      <a class="fr-footer__top-link" href="#">Lien de navigation</a>
                      <a class="fr-footer__top-link" href="#">Lien de navigation</a>
          <div class="fr-col-12 fr-col-sm-3 fr-col-md-2">
              <h3 class="fr-footer__top-cat">Nom de la catégorie</h3>
              <ul class="fr-footer__top-list">
                      <a class="fr-footer__top-link" href="#">Lien de navigation</a>
                      <a class="fr-footer__top-link" href="#">Lien de navigation</a>

Logo field

Logo doesn't inject HTML but its array structure is too complicated, so let's fix that too.

      type: array
      label: Logo text and title. Optional.

Proposed resolution

Because of early menu rendering, it may be necessary to add new patterns. Let's try without this addition first.

API changes

Yes, big ones, that's why ⚠️ is in the issue title.

🐛 Bug report






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🇫🇷France pdureau Paris

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