Using Fivestar in Views causes the node update date to change

Created on 3 February 2023, about 2 years ago
Updated 1 March 2023, about 2 years ago

Hello! If the rating stars of the Fivestar module are displayed in Views, then I see an incorrect node update date:

Last saved ( all languages ​​) 02 / 03 / 2023 - 18 : 55

If the stars of the rating of the Fivestar module are displayed using the fields, then the date of saving (change) of the node corresponds to the last publication date:

Last saved ( all languages ​​) 01 / 30 / 2023 - 22 : 30

Thus, with each vote through the Views output, the node update date changes for me.

I need the correct date because the Views on the main one displays the nodes in the update order. At the same time, I can't display Fivestar module rating stars not in views in some content types.

How to fix it?

💬 Support request

Closed: works as designed





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  • Issue created by @gpf
  • Issue was unassigned.
  • Status changed to Postponed: needs info about 2 years ago
  • 🇺🇸United States tr Cascadia

    I'm not sure what you're saying.

    If someone rates a node by using a Fivestar field on that node, then the node is being changed. The "last updated" time of the node should change every time the node is rated.

    Is this not happening?

  • If this is intended, then in this case I will not be able to display only the materials updated by the admins on the main page. Fivestar creates spam from node updates as hundreds of users are constantly voting and rating nodes.

  • 🇺🇸United States tr Cascadia

    This is the way all entities with fields work in Drupal. Right? If a field is modified, any field, then by definition the entity containing that field has been modified, so the timestamp is updated for the entity. Fivestar isn't explicity updating the entity timestamp, that is being done by core Drupal.

    Do you expect the entity timestamp to be updated only when the Body field is modified (for example in the case of a node)? How is Drupal supposed to know that you only want changes to some fields to be reflected in the timestamp, and not changes to other fields?

  • Status changed to Closed: works as designed about 2 years ago
  • 🇺🇸United States tr Cascadia
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