- Issue created by @junaidpv
- Status changed to Needs review
about 2 years ago 7:02pm 3 February 2023
I am getting this warning many times when taking the migration list page:
Deprecated function: Calling static trait method Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrationDeriverTrait::getSourcePlugin is deprecated, it should only be called on a class using the trait in Drupal\workbench_moderation_migrate\Plugin\migrate\WorkbenchModerationFlowDeriver->getDerivativeDefinitions() (line 24 of modules/contrib/workbench_moderation_migrate/src/Plugin/migrate/WorkbenchModerationFlowDeriver.php).
I see it caused by same reason as #3239442: Calling static trait method is deprecated in PHP 8.1 →
Needs review