- Issue created by @joelpittet
- 🇨🇦Canada awasson
@ joelpittet, Is this using the package.json file you shared with us a few years ago?
This is the version I've been using with a modded version of Basic for D9 and aside from not creating map.js, it's super light and fast.
{ "name": "basic", "version": "2.0.0", "description": "BASIC Theme Version 2", "license": "MIT", "scripts": { "sass": "node-sass --recursive --source-map true --output-style expanded --output css sass", "autoprefixer": "postcss --no-map -u autoprefixer --autoprefixer.browsers -r css/*/*.css", "build:css": "npm run sass && npm run autoprefixer", "build:images": "imagemin images/source/*.{png,jpg,gif,svg} -o images/optimized", "uglify:js": "uglifyjs js/source/*.js -m -c -o js/build/scripts.js", "watch:css": "onchange 'sass/**/*.scss' -- npm run build:css", "watch:img": "onchange 'images/source/*' -- npm run build:images", "watch:js": "onchange 'js/source/*.js' -- npm run uglify:js", "watch:all": "concurrently --kill-others 'npm run watch:css' 'npm run watch:js' 'npm run watch:img'" }, "dependencies": { "bourbon": "^5.0.0-beta.8", "bourbon-neat": "^2.1.0", "autoprefixer": "^9.7.6", "concurrently": "^4.1.1", "node-sass": "^4.13.1", "uglify-js": "^3.9.1", "imagemin-cli": "^5.1.0", "onchange": "^6.0.0", "postcss-cli": "^6.1.3" }, "browserslist": [ "> 1%" ] }
- 🇨🇦Canada joelpittet Vancouver
@awasson Yes that would be a good approach I think to transition away from what we have, but I think we need to make what we have currently work. 🐛 Unable to install theme build pipeline due to node-sass dependency Fixed
I created that comment as a task here 📌 Remove Gulp/Grunt and use NPM scripts to run scripts Fixed Want to take a crack at that? - 🇨🇦Canada joelpittet Vancouver
@awasson I pushed a MR to 📌 Remove Gulp/Grunt and use NPM scripts to run scripts Fixed have a peek and see if I missed anything.
- 🇨🇦Canada awasson
Thanks for that. I've cloned the 3.0 Dev and tested it locally. It seems to work well in my Mac OS Ventura 13.2 environment. In my latest Basic themes, I've been using "node-sass": "^5.0" and on my arm64 (M2 Chip) Mac and found that I had to unlink the latest Node and use node 14. I'm not sure if that's the same case with Sass. I see that you've also switched out node-sass for "sass": "^1.0.0".
Anyway npm install installed without any issues and npm run watch:all appears to work well.