Add Hawaiian as an available language in d.o profiles

Created on 26 January 2023, about 2 years ago
Updated 26 February 2023, about 2 years ago



I've started learning Hawaiian, and wanted to say so on my d.o profile, but there's no such option. Perhaps I'll start mentoring some folks here, and if I got anyone interested enough to try to contribute and create a d.o account, if that's not a choice for language, it'd be alienating.


Since the U.S. Marines overthrew the royal family and installed a government that would agree to join the US as the 50th state, many people in Hawai'i consider this an illegitimate, colonial occupation. After decades of repression, in the last ~30 years there's been a resurgence of traditional Hawaiian language and cultural practices. There are now Hawaiian language immersion schools, and a growing number of people, both Kānaka Maoli (so-called "Native Hawaiians") and haoles (outsiders) like me, are learning to read, write and speak ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Edit a user account (e.g. )
  2. Scroll to the bottom and select "Language & Location" vertical tab
  3. Use either the primary or secondary language selectors.
  4. Try to pick "Hawaiian".

Proposed resolution

Add 'Hawaiian' as a choice in the d.o language selector ("ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi" in the places where you can translate it like the main language selector).

See also 📌 Add Hawaiian (ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi) language to l.d.o Fixed and 📌 Add Hawaiian as a choice in core language selectors Fixed

Remaining tasks

  1. Get agreement.
  2. Have someone with perms add the option to the spots d.o can control independently of core.

User interface changes

1 more language choice in the d.o language selectors.

API changes


Data model changes


📌 Task





User profiles

Created by

🇺🇸United States dww

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