When I run:
I get an array of data, but I'm not seeing my debug IP reflected in that data.
Steps to reproduce
Under Smart IP settings, i've checked the boxes for each role. Under Smart IP debug tool, I've added a test EU IP address ( and togged the user roles for debug mode.
In Manual Lookup, I can enter the test IP ( and see the fully populated data array with all the correct data for Italy. (I'm using abstract IP).
When I hit the page in the browser, the array is mostly empty, and it shows me my internal router assigned IP.
I'm trying to create a check for GDPR countries.
if (\Drupal\smart_ip\SmartIp::query($ipAddress)['isGdprCountry'] == "") {
$variables['#attached']['library'][] = 'mylibrary/mycss';
The css is loading, but it seems like the field for isGdprCountry is blank, even when looking at the site through a VPN routing through Europe. Trying to debug, but since the debug isn't working for me, I hoped someone could tell me where I was going wrong.
My understanding is that when I've configured the debug tool, I should be seeing the IP I set for that role in that data. Let me know if that's not correct.
Thanks for your help!