Minor tweaks to video toolbox

Created on 12 January 2023, about 2 years ago
Updated 25 January 2023, about 2 years ago


We got feedback recently regarding the module and how it is structure. We aim to resolve some of the more general, minor issues found.
Here is the list of the things that need to be change modified by me (this was based on the feedback that we received):
[x] 1 phpcs error missing -> video_toolbox.module 134 -> else should be in the next line
[x] Missing requirement ->drupal:file
[x] Missing description of “Force Import”
[x] / src/Form/VideoGetUploaderForm.php should redirect back to the list after submit after video upload
[x] /src/Entity/ListBuilder/VideoListStylesBuilder.php -> line 19, Attributes is not in uppercase format
[x] “Set Default Video player settings” in /src/Form/VideoToolBoxVideoPlayerConfigForm.php should be change to "Reset style configuration to the default value"}
[x] Fix importing with more than one allowed extension

Proposed resolution

Resolve the issues listed.

Release notes snippet

Improve the quality of the module overall.

📌 Task






Created by

🇨🇴Colombia LeoAlcci

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