- πΊπΈUnited States MegaKeegMan
To transition to amazee.io, we will want to set up a repository based on the lagoon examples found at: https://github.com/lagoon-examples
- Assigned to MegaKeegMan
- πΊπΈUnited States MegaKeegMan
Is there an existing repository that we should be working on (or will need access to)? And if not, are there preferences as to where a new repository should be created? And does anyone have any preference between pygmy vs lando for local development environment?
Amazee has provided a workspace on their system for this.
A new repo has been created and affiliated with that workspace. The repo is at https://github.com/drupalcontributiongroup/drupalcontribution-org
MegaKeegMan, myself, and gusaus are added on the Amazee side.
At present, additional work needs to be done to get the repo Lagoon + OpenSocial (+ DrupalContribution.org) ready.
One we've got something deploying properly to Lagoon, we can look at DB migration, etc.
- πΊπΈUnited States wolcen
Heh, whoops - @drutopia was really "me".
- πΊπΈUnited States MegaKeegMan
An (empty) instance of opensocial is now running on our amazee.io server: https://nginx.main.drupalcontribution-org.us2.amazee.io/
We still have some work to do before trying to publish an example template for lagoon, but things are moving along fine.
- πΊπΈUnited States MegaKeegMan
I will also note that we have set up open social 11.8 with php 8.1.
The open social installation docs β indicate incompatibility with php8.1. Maybe there is something broken, but have not found it yet. Perhaps someone with more knowledge of open social development could advise, but just going with it for now until there is a more apparent reason to roll back to php8.0.
- πΊπΈUnited States gusaus
Great to see this progress! Considering we're going to need help migrating from Open Social's SaaS, we should review related discussion in #3281963: Relaunch drupalcontribution.org β and loop in Open Social team members like @ronaldtebrake.
We can also followup in this discussion revolving around creating a Lagoon example/upstream for Open Social.
- πΊπΈUnited States MegaKeegMan
For the next step, we are ready to start experimenting with migrating the db into our new version of the site.
- π³π±Netherlands ronaldtebrake
Awesome work :)
I'll make sure we get the data safely in your hands @MegaKeegMan
The open social installation docs indicate incompatibility with php8.1. Maybe there is something broken, but have not found it yet. Perhaps someone with more knowledge of open social development could advise, but just going with it for now until there is a more apparent reason to roll back to php8.0.
PHP 8.1 compatibility should land in the next minor version (https://github.com/goalgorilla/open_social/pull/3433)
- πΊπΈUnited States MegaKeegMan
We now have a successful install, with the drupalcontribution.org database imported. This involved installation of a couple of the open social proprietary modules, which we will focus in the future on finding open source alternatives to. And our current step is cleaning up the config to make sure no secrets get committed to a public repo. Otherwise, I think we will just need to get the new files to the new server and start some testing.