- 🇧🇷Brazil fadonascimento
The #4 works as expected!
@ebremner → Is it possible to generate a new minor version with this fix? since this fix is not present in the latest release version (8.x-1.21). - First commit to issue fork.
- 🇺🇸United States jeffreysmattson
This patch no longer applies to v1.21. The release did not include these changes so the error is back and can't be patched. I see the fix has been merged but not released. This ticket should not be closed maybe? What is the correct path to solve this issue?
- 🇫🇮Finland ronttizz Helsinki
Faced the same problem as jeffreymattson.
Hopefully next release will come soon so we don't need to use dev version on prod for long.
I will take a look if I am able make a patch for the version 1.21.
- 🇫🇮Finland ronttizz Helsinki
Heres a patch which applies to v1.21. Its basically just a reroll of the #4
Could not test against v1.21
- 🇯🇴Jordan yanalshoubaki Amman
The #10 🐛 Use the ModuleHandlerInterface instead of the ModuleHandler concrete implementation Fixed work as expected on version v1.21, thank you @ronttizz → .