Unable to install ATS due to unmet dependencies

Created on 7 December 2022, almost 2 years ago
Updated 15 February 2023, over 1 year ago


In a vanilla Drupal 9 installation, installation of the ATS module fails due to the following errors:

  • Missing dependencies for Address and Country modules (must be added to require: of composer.json).
  • Unable to install ATS (Applicant Tracking System) due to unmet dependencies: field.storage.node.field_ats_can_screening_can (ats_candidate), language.content_settings.node.ats_candidate_screening (language)

Steps to reproduce

In a vanilla Drupal 9 installation, download the ATS module (and its ATS Candidate submodule) and attempt to drush enable the module. (Note that it is not yet possible to composer require the module, since we will not release the first alpha until this issue is resolved.)

Proposed resolution

  • Add drupal/address and drupal/country to composer.json
  • Track down missing dependencies in the configuration YAML.

Remaining tasks

  • Add drupal/address and drupal/country to composer.json
  • Track down missing dependencies in the configuration YAML.

This issue is a good opportunity for community contributions!

πŸ› Bug report






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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States hotwebmatter Providence, Rhode Island, USA

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