Mark Media Library Theme Reset as "Deprecated"

Created on 5 December 2022, about 2 years ago
Updated 16 February 2023, about 2 years ago

This module has been designated "deprecated" by its maintainers. Sites using this module should switch to layout_builder_iframe_modal β†’ . Layout Builder iFrame Modal opens editing interfaces within a modal that uses the site's native administrative theme. It therefore provides a fail-proof look and feel that Media Library Theme Reset, which overrides front-end CSS, cannot.


  • Until November 2023: Status is "Deprecated" but still "Supported"
  • After November 2023: Status becomes "Unsupported" but module is still available for use

In discovery during #3100124: Add support for Claro β†’ , the maintainers of Media Library Theme Reset concluded that there are now better solutions for the use case this module addresses, specifically Layout Builder Iframe Modal.

We wanted to prompt the community to begin switching to this better solution. So we removed the "supported" state from the module. This change began triggering email notifications on sites using the Update module for notifications, saying that the module was no longer supported. Confusion entailed. Some people thought this meant they had to change what they were using immediately, when in fact Media Library Theme Reset is still Drupal 8/9/10 compatible and can be installed on new and existing sites for the indefinite future, despite no longer being "supported." Others pointed out that these notifications could generate "noise" that would crowd out more important security notifications.

To remedy this, the module maintainers have decided to set the state back to "supported" and add a lifecycle key indicating that the module is deprecated. In November 2023, the module maintainers plan to set the state to "unsupported." Sites will still be able to use Media Library Theme Reset after November 2023, but the Update module will be more "noisy" about its status.


1. Add a lifecycle key to this module, marking it as deprecated, linking to the indicated timeline for the module moving from "supported" to "unsupported" status.
2. Reach out to the maintainers of contrib modules who have indicated that Media Library Theme Reset should be used with their modules (Bootstrap Layout Builder, πŸ› Media Library Theme Reset not supported Needs review and Bootstrap Styles πŸ› Media Library Theme Reset not supported Needs work ), explaining that the module is deprecated, the timeline, and the proposed alternative.
3. After November 2023, set this module state to "unsupported" so that sites get more notification about the status change, but leave the lifecycle as "deprecated" so people can still install it on new and existing sites.

πŸ“Œ Task






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