- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
Just added
cookiesjsr.min.js is way too large! It has 105.3 kb!
cookiesjsr-preloader.min.js additionally has 7.6 kb!cookiesjsr should really GO for many reasons (performance, size, license, maintenance status, ...)
#3323154: [2.x] Replace the current UI with VueJS or HTMX Client UI →
- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
After thinking about this for a while and discussing with @Grevil, we came to this idea to be discussed: 📌 [2.x] Rewrite in Twig templates & Vanilla JS / TS Active
- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
Mostly fixed in 2.x, but here's still a follow-up: 🐛 COOKiES increases LCP a lot (Google pagespeed) Active
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.