Translated node file entities are not getting deleted
Steps to reproduce
1. Create a File content type with fields - Title, Language, File and Enable translations
2. Create a file node with English language - Add the values for fields - Title, Language, File - (Attach a english language pdf - testEnglish.pdf)
3. Add translations for Any language 'french' . Click on Translate, Add data for the fields , attach a french pdf - testFrench.pdf
4. Add another trnaltion record for other language. Add file for that language eg: testGerman.pdf
5. Now go to Files tab under Admin > Content > Files, Check the usage count : it is showing below count
testEnglish.pdf - 3 places
testFrench.pdf - 2places
testGerman.pdf - 1 places used
6. Now delete the Node for german language, clear cache, run cron and check the Admin > Content > Files, it is showing below count:
testEnglish.pdf - 3 places
testFrench.pdf - 2places
testGerman.pdf - 0 places used
7. Now delete the Node for French language, clear cache, run cron and check the Admin > Content > Files, it is showing below count:
testEnglish.pdf - 3 places
testFrench.pdf - 1places
testGerman.pdf - 0 places used
8. Now delete the English language node , clear cache, run cron and check the Admin > Content > Files,it is showing below count:
testEnglish.pdf - 0 places
testFrench.pdf - 1places
testGerman.pdf - 0 places used
9. On checking the file_managed and fileusage tables the records show status of the file as 1 and entity label is blank as the node for french was deleted.
10. The file testFrench.pdf - 1places is left orphaned as the node associated with it is deleted but still its not marked as 'temporary' and file status is also '1'
11. Everytime we create translations its leaving one file as orphan, as the add translation is adding the file usage count as two for first translated node entity.
Note: We have added the $config['file.settings']['make_unused_managed_files_temporary'] = TRUE; in settings file.
Proposed resolution
We have tried the file delete modules but the file is not getting deleted as the staus is active and there is dependency on the file.
We may have to add a custom hook or module to clean the orphan files.
Updating custom code which can be added on hook cron :
// Fetch all the orphan files
$database = \Drupal::database();
$query = $database->query("SELECT fid FROM {file_usage} WHERE fid IN (SELECT fid FROM (SELECT fu.fid as fid FROM {file_usage} fu LEFT JOIN {node} n ON n.nid = WHERE n.nid IS NULL and fu.type =:ids_1 AND fu.count <>:ids_2) as tt)",[":ids_1" => 'node', ":ids_2" => 0]);
$resultfids = $query->fetchCol();
$file_usage = Drupal::service('file.usage');
foreach ($resultfids as $fid) {
$file = Drupal\file\Entity\File::load($fid);
$usage = $file_usage->listUsage($file);
if (count($usage) <> 0){
//Delete Orphan files
$filename = $file->getFilename();
$url = $file->getFileUri();
\Drupal::messenger()->addMessage('Orphan files deleted successfully');
\Drupal::messenger()->addMessage('No Orphan files');
Remaining tasks
User interface changes
API changes
Data model changes
Release notes snippet