- 🇨🇦Canada nubeli
I can confirm that jensschuppe reported. Not only does it write to the CiviCRM tables, such as recreate activities, etc, it also will send out confirmation emails if a webform was used to subscribe to mailing groups. The latter can be handled by disabling outgoing emails during the migration, but it cleaner if there was a way to avoid all processing on a migration since the processing already happened the first time.
Perhaps there's a way to temporarily disable the CiviCRM handler in a migration script. I've been using https://github.com/fuzionnz/webform_civicrm_migrate so perhaps it could be done there. This looks like a promising hook:
hook_webform_handler_invoke_alter(\Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformHandlerInterface $handler, $method_name, array &$args)
. If the CiviCRM handler is disabled then there would need to be a submission handler specific for the webform_civicrm_submissions table, similar to D7WebformSubmission in the webform_migrate module.
- 🇨🇦Canada nubeli
In regards to this question by Karen:
And why are you migrating webform submissions that have civicrm components? The key usage for webform module is to get data into CiviCRM so it's just a front end/method to do so.
Our client is using it as semi-permanent storage. They have over 40 webforms connected to CiviCRM and some of them are tracking data long-term for users/contacts. And they've also got a webform with a component that references a content type that is also "owned" by the user. Users make yearly submissions that can then tracked in Views to show changes over time in user responses.
So that's why we're making sure submissions get migrated over properly.
- 🇨🇦Canada karing 🇨🇦
I see you have connected with Luke from Fuzion on Mattermost re: https://github.com/fuzionnz/webform_civicrm_migrate - I agree that's the place for migration related issues.
- 🇨🇦Canada nubeli
Turns out even disabling the webform_civicrm handler doesn't quite prevent webform_civicrm from being called. https://www.drupal.org/project/webform_civicrm/issues/3375337 🐛 Disabling the webform_civicrm handler doesn't prevent it from being called Needs work