I am trying to create a view of users that when viewed on the front end will only show those users that are part of the same civicrm group that the logged in user looking at this page is a part of.
I have the view all set up but am missing the contexual filter that will do the magic.
Currently the view is set up as copy of PEOPLE view.
Relationship set the CiviCRM Contact ->
Relationship set to Contact ID -> Relate each CiviCRM Group Contact with a contact_id set to the civicrm contact.
Relationship set to CiviCRM Group.
This show everyone and in fields I add in the group title and I see what groups they belong to.
I just need to show this to the logged in user so they only see their own group members.
Can that be done through contextual filters?
I appreciate your help.
Closed: works as designed
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.