Hints as to how to extend the booking entity?

Created on 19 September 2022, over 2 years ago
Updated 19 December 2023, about 1 year ago


I am trying to add what i would think is pretty basic, a title of the booking. I modified the Event Type and added a Title field and that does show on the admin form when i pick a slot on the fullcalendar to add a new booking; but does not show when i select Add Reservation.

I also don't see anywhere on how to get this to show on the calendar. I can debug through the hook_bat_bat_fullcalendar_formatted_event_alter hook and am able to set the title and colour of the specific bookings; but i have no information in there related to the booking itself (such as the Title i just added). In the Roomify example code i see this hook has a 2nd variable: $context; but this is empty in my hook call (it also isn't listed in the .api so perhaps some things are just out of date and this isn't real anymore).

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🇨🇦Canada liquidcms

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