- 🇪🇸Spain jncruces Sevilla
Sorry for the time waiting my answer.
I don't know any limitation for the heading classes. Dompdf documentation and issues do not inform that: https://github.com/dompdf/dompdf
The images always is a problem, you can't provide a general solution i think. Normally you generate a content with pointing to a file and the module try to print that. Any suggestion will be accepted to a better solution.
Seems that the iframe are not supported by DomPDF: https://github.com/dompdf/dompdf/issues/1228
HTML can have infinite combinations and i don't know if DomPDF can apply all of them. In the module the html is "converted" minimally to get the PDF.
The library Dompdf has some limitations and the site builders should take these into account.
I do apologise of that last point was a silly questions, I'm not a heavy code developer; just a humble site-builder by trade.
Nothing to worry about. Any question to raise will always be welcome.
- Status changed to Closed: works as designed
over 1 year ago 3:30pm 15 October 2023