- 🇮🇳India ali rizvi
Ali Rizvi → changed the visibility of the branch 3304855-fix-libraries to hidden.
- 🇮🇳India ali rizvi
Ali Rizvi → changed the visibility of the branch 3304855-fix-libraries to active.
When you use the date picker library you get a similar error mentioned in Duet's main github issue queue: https://github.com/duetds/date-picker/issues/105
This can be resolved by adding the "type: module" attribute to the esm js file in the library.
I have tested this and it resolves the issue, however we actually don't need the esm file at all since we're loading the regular JS file as well, so we can split it into 2 libraries: 1 regular one, and 1 esm one.
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
Ali Rizvi → changed the visibility of the branch 3304855-fix-libraries to hidden.
Ali Rizvi → changed the visibility of the branch 3304855-fix-libraries to active.