Settings tray focus trap can inadvertently allow escaping of focus

Created on 5 August 2022, over 2 years ago
Updated 23 January 2023, about 2 years ago

This is spawned from πŸ“Œ Refactor Drupal 10 settings tray / off-canvas to use modern CSS Fixed

@andy-blum discovered that it's possible to escape the focus trap within the settings tray.


  1. Use layout builder and add a block
  2. Note how you cannot escape focus - when you tab beyond the last item, it goes back to the first item in the focus trap.
  3. However, if you close the very last <details> element and tab beyond that, you can escape focus.

I posed a question in the Drupal #accessibility slack channel on if we even need a focus trap at wide widths (no response yet). Link:

πŸ› Bug report



10.1 ✨

Settings trayΒ  β†’

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