- 🇬🇧United Kingdom justanothermark
We were also having this problem in the latest version (1.1.1) on D10. In addition, we were also seeing computed breadcrumbs coming through using the internal path instead of the alias so for a page at https://example.com/en/foo/bar we were getting breadcrumbs of:
* "Home": `https://example.com/en`
* "": `https://example.com/en/node`instead of:
* "Home": `https://example.com/en`
* "Foo": `https://example.com/en/foo`The attached patch uses the base field definition changes from #3 but switches to use `$url->toString()` instead of `$url->getInternalPath()`. This fixes the breadcrumb computing to give the correct links & titles and also works for translations. Additionally, this should work for sites that use translations based on domains or query strings or something other than `/[langcode]/` as the first part of the path.