Disabling the search blocks (in navigation), throw JS errors.
Disable either of Exposed form: sector_sitewide_search-page_1
or Sector blocks - Search desktop fly-out control
and a JS error is thrown in control.js
and/or search-flyout.js
To discuss the best approach to detecting the visibility of the Search functionality and providing a code update to the JS to allow for both scenarios. Could also be an option to look at how each of the libraries are included.
'Control' is used across both menu and search, and the search-flyout is a globally included library. We could remove that from the libraries file, leave it for a block level library include, but still means we need to address the control one firing from both search and menu.
Closed: outdated
User interface
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.