- 🇯🇴Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan
Thank you, for having time to maintain this sanitizer module.
It helps in many cases, and it will needed in our use in Drupal 10Hoping for a soft commit to the
branch, to ease testing it with Drupal 10
also for a soft tag release (pre-release
Testing now withgit clone git@git.drupal.org:project/layout_builder_block_sanitizer.git
and git apply for the patch -
Rajab Natshah →
authored 24e2579b on 8.x-1.x
Issue #3288224 by j_ten_man, Project Update Bot, Rajab Natshah:...
Rajab Natshah →
authored 24e2579b on 8.x-1.x
- 🇺🇸United States twfahey
Hey Rajab - I pushed the patch to 8.x-1.x - Let me know how it's going, thanks for the patch.
- 🇯🇴Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan
Thanks a lot, Tyler.
Having a 2nd full real physical testing round for Layout Builder Block Sanitizer with Drupal
and Drupal~9.0
using the same code base from1.x-dev
withcomposer require 'drupal/layout_builder_block_sanitizer:1.x-dev@dev'