We are evaluating this module for a client that wants to work with friendly captcha and it looks really nice. One thing our client requested is to work with the verification best practices of friendlycaptcha (see https://docs.friendlycaptcha.com/#/verification_api?id=verification-best...).
There they mention the following:
If you receive a response code other than 200 in production, you should probably accept the user's form despite not having been able to verify the CAPTCHA solution.
However in the validation only the contents of the response are checked, this does not follow those best practices fully: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/friendlycaptcha/-/blob/1.x/friendlyca...
I'm checking here to see what we could do. Maybe a configuration that by default uses the current behaviour, but can be set to follow the best practices is an option? If the client accepts our offer, we can develop the patch for this, but I'd like to know what the options are before writing a patch, if possible :)
Needs work
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.