- 🇨🇦Canada mgifford Ottawa, Ontario
Seems like a https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/error-identification.html issue
#3222757: [drupalImage] Make image alt text required or strongly encouraged → follow-up to which displays a button images without alt texts.
We could do something along these lines:
const announceHandler = () => {
editor.commands.get('insertImage').on('execute', announceHandler);
editor.commands.get('uploadImage').on('execute', announceHandler);
Craft a message that can cater different use cases:
Image insert vs Image upload can have different announcements. However, what is challenging to distinguish is when multiple images are uploaded at once since all of them are processed asynchronously separately.
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It affects the ability of people with disabilities or special needs (such as blindness or color-blindness) to use Drupal.
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
Seems like a https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/error-identification.html issue