- 🇪🇸Spain pcambra Asturies
100% agree, the pivot feature doesn't take into account entity reference fields, so the only workaround for this would be custom tokens and use the separator.
I'm not sure if this is a bug, a new feature or just some documentation that could be improved. I'm trying to set up a HowTo schema, with multiple HowTo Steps. I got that to work by setting up multiple multi-value fields, one for name, one for text, one for image, etc and then enabling pivot and using tokens like [node:field_steps_title].
This is a kind of ugly solution for editors though, and I'd prefer to have an entity reference field that lets you add Steps, and each Step content item has a name, text and an image. I was able to access the referenced content item with tokens like [node:field_steps:entity:body], but when I enabled pivot it didn't change into multiple HowTo Steps.
Allow Pivot to work on entity reference fields, or provide a new option in that field that would work on entity reference fields. Improve the documentation to show people what kind of fields and tokens are need for use with the existing pivot and pivot on entity reference fields.
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
100% agree, the pivot feature doesn't take into account entity reference fields, so the only workaround for this would be custom tokens and use the separator.