- Merge request !35Issue #3264420: Simple Sitemap should typehint modulehandler interface rather than a specific implementation → (Closed) created by dpi
This issue is for version 3 of the project, which I understand is still receiving bug fixes. V4 already had this issue corrected via a bulk coding standards improvement in 📌 Coding standards Fixed .
and \Drupal\simple_sitemap\Plugin\simple_sitemap\UrlGenerator\ArbitraryUrlGenerator
classes currently typehint the default ModuleHandler class instead of the interface. This prevents custom overrides of ModuleHandler, for example by https://drupal.org/project/hux
Install Hux and Simple Sitemap.
Navigate to a page which triggers either class to be instantiated.
Result: Uncaught WSOD/Exception.
Typehint the property with interface.
Review and commit.
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.