Do not require unique characters in "Password character type" constraint

Created on 17 September 2021, over 3 years ago
Updated 8 April 2024, 11 months ago


The PasswordConstraint password_policy_character_constraint requires unique characters of each type. That is, if for example the module is configured to require passwords to include two numbers, a password which includes two incidences of the same number will fail validation. This runs counter to common user experience and actually decreases password security; if a malevolent user knows that a password contains any one character, they know that that character is not repeated anywhere in the password, making the password easier to crack.

Steps to reproduce

Enable this module, set a constraint requiring that passwords include two numbers, log in as a user to which this constraint applies and try to set the a new password that includes two of the same numbers. (This problem is not limited to numbers; the same is true for letters, upper case letters, lower case letters and special characters.)

Proposed resolution

Alter the logic in PasswordCharacter::validate() to add the number of incidences of each character instead of increasing counters by one.
For example, change:

  if (is_numeric($char)) {


  if (is_numeric($char)) {
    $count_numeric = $count_numeric + $val;  // Here, $val is the the number of incidences of the $char in the password.

Remaining tasks

Community discussion is appropriate as to whether we should adapt the module's admin language (see related issue Instructions unclear for constraint of Uppercase and Lowercase Characters β†’ ) to align with the module's requirement that characters used be unique or should we remove that requirement.

Patch forthcoming.

✨ Feature request






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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States COBadger

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