- 🇵🇹Portugal jrochate
Well, after this time I found out that my previous response was about node entities and not user entity.
The OP explained his problem about user entity, and I have come to the same conclusion:
- the modify form mode works when dealing with node, but is doesn't work with user. The default for is always chosen, no matter what configuration and permissions are being set.
Using ?display=form_mode_name works, but there should be the possibility of having the default configured on module's config form.
- 🇮🇳India vinaysamant Kudal, Maharashtra
I m facing same problem like @jrochate for "user" form modes. Any update as this is 3 years old thread?
- 🇦🇹Austria maxilein
You should open a separate issue for the user bug.
This issue is about how to use it.