- 🇮🇳India jitendrapurohit
This replicates on 7.x version too. Have ported the fix here - https://github.com/colemanw/webform_civicrm/pull/945
1.0 Problem/Motivation
I've had a form on a Drupal 7 site for a year or two which exposes the "Frequency of Installments" contribution field as a User Select, with "- No installments -" and "year" as options in the webform display. That is set up as a static select and the labels on those are "Do not renew automatically" and "Renew automatically each year". I have "Number of Installments" set up as a hidden field that is set to 0, to make it an open ended recurring payment. Just recently I've received reports that the payment form is no longer working.
When I try to test the form without selecting "Renew automatically" I see this error at the top:
"recurFrequencyUnit must be day|week|month|year"
I tried removing the "- No installments -" option but the same error occurs if I don't check the option to renew yearly.
If I do check the annual renewal option, I'm seeing this error now:
recurInstallments must be 0 or a positive integer
Has anything changed related to recurring payments in this module (or CiviCRM core) recently?
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
This replicates on 7.x version too. Have ported the fix here - https://github.com/colemanw/webform_civicrm/pull/945