- 🇨🇦Canada joseph.olstad
layout_builder_admin_theme provides a convenient solution (workaround?) to this problem and a D10 version of this module was published today:
https://www.drupal.org/project/layout_builder_admin_theme →We might consider adding this/enabling/configuring it by default for the wxt distro.
Reasons for:
- layout_builder is included with wxt
- layout_builder is not fully compatible with bootstrap 3.x
- layout_builder_admin_theme provides a working solution to the problem by using the claro theme or some other admin theme for handling layout_builder configurations that would otherwise not work with a wxt_bootstrap derived theme
- 🇨🇦Canada liquidcms
Without looking at this yet; my guess is this allows setting a LB theme independent of the site theme? So what would the LB admin theme of choice be?
Claro isn't BS so nothing using BS layouts will display correctly (will they even load?); but might be able to muddle through.
Some BS5 based admin theme? Would have same issues i would think?
I am sure I must be missing something here; will give it a shot tomorrow.
- 🇨🇦Canada joseph.olstad
@liquidcms, BS4/BS5 do not have the same compatibility issue with layout builder so ya one of those.
With that said, I see your point, there's no wysiwyg with claro however it is functional and unfortunately there is no known wysiwyg way with BS3 because layout_builder is incompatible with BS3we're tied to BS3 by wet-boew 4
moving to BS5 is likely on the horizon.
Until then, the https://www.drupal.org/project/layout_builder_admin_theme → is the best alternative I know of .
I personally use Claro.
- 🇨🇦Canada joseph.olstad
@LiquidCMS, I looked at one of your sites and I seem to notice that Layout Builder appears to be functioning with Bootstrap 3. Are my eyes playing tricks on me?
- 🇨🇦Canada joseph.olstad
This appears to be fixed in the latest WxT build, I'm able to manage the display using a subtheme based on the wxt_bootstrap theme, no
js exceptions, no errors.