Provide an option to skip (opt-out) forcibly created new revision of the referenced entity (so that migrations won't lead to unnecessary saved revisions)

Created on 10 June 2021, over 3 years ago
Updated 8 March 2024, about 1 year ago


Right now, the Entity Reference revision field item creates a new revision from the referenced entity whenever the host entity being saved is a new revision. This is fine in 99% of the situations, but if you migrate content entity revisions, this behaviour creates new revisions from the entities referenced by an entity_reference_revisions field.

Steps to reproduce

Execute the test at #2977853-33: [PP-4] Multifield to Paragraphs migration .

Proposed resolution

Check the value of an unmapped (so unsaved) field property, e.g. needs_resave (or skip_new_revision). If it is explicitly set to FALSE (or TRUE), then don't create a new revision.

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📌 Task

Needs work





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🇭🇺Hungary huzooka Hungary 🇭🇺🇪🇺

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