- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
The exact regulations need to be updated, as the limit of € 150,- seems to be country-specific maybe or is outdated?
See this document from the same source: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/a8580815-6507-1...
(crazy...)In Germany at least for example there's no product price limit, but a limit of goods worth >= €10000 shipped into foreign countries! That means the store couldn't determine this on its own, it would need a different tax type (EU OSS based on EU VAT) or a setting in the existing EU VAT type!
@dwkitchen could you elaborate on that? I'm curious why there are two different logics published? What am I missing?
- 🇮🇱Israel jsacksick
Also, the 150€ thereshold implemented as in the patch cannot work... as there are EU countries that aren't in the Euros zone...
I'd need to refresh my memory on this...
@anybody: FYI David Kitchen (dwkitchen) no longer works with us, I doubt you'll get a feedback from him.