- 🇺🇸United States Fernando Iglesias
Just a heads up, now on php 8.1 this warning has become a WSOD fatal error. Would be great to get a new D7 release!
This is cause by populating breadcrumb menu links which aren't accessible by the current user in whilst other links are. The inaccessible links returns NULL on end($menu_item['map']).
1. Create contents and assign entityqueue.
2. Allow a new role to control access of entityqueue without giving the accessibility of other admin menu.
3. Masquerade as new role.
4. Enter the "Edit items" page of an entityqueue edit page. ( ex:
5. See error message
Add condition to check if $menu_item['map'] and $last_item exists.
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
Just a heads up, now on php 8.1 this warning has become a WSOD fatal error. Would be great to get a new D7 release!