- 🇳🇿New Zealand john pitcairn
@nielsaers: If content editors can create a library item, then I'd expect by default that library item should be a content entity not a config entity. Otherwise you are going to have to deal with syncing changed config between dev and production and not blowing away your editors' changes. Similar reasoning to taxonomy terms being content.
- 🇧🇪Belgium nielsaers
@john-pitcairn if I follow your logic the same could be said for webform. A user creates them so it should be a content entity but in webform it's case it is not. I bet there are many more gray area cases like that in the Drupal eco system of modules.
At least when it is a config entity you as a site builder can choose to consider it either more to the side of config or more to the side content by leveraging the config ignore module. Now that it is a content entity your only option is to leverage content sync modules to get it synced across environments.
- 🇳🇿New Zealand john pitcairn
I guess. How would it handle content blocks in the section? Those could be just about anything.