- 🇦🇹Austria a.milkovsky UTC +2
I guess this issue can be closed as outdated, as there was no activity for 1 year. Also the patched lines do not exist anymore.
Creation media entity failed due to validation of field Instagram URL (field_media_oembed_instagram_1) with message "The provided URL does not represent a valid oEmbed resource"
1. Download and install module using composer
2. Set "App id" and "App secret" in /admin/config/media/instagram-settings
3. Add new media type /admin/structure/media/add
4. Add new entity instance /media/add/{new name}
1 error has been found: Instagram URL
The provided URL does not represent a valid oEmbed resource.
Direct API request working well
https://graph.facebook.com/v9.0/instagram_oembed?url=https://www.instagram.com/p/CAYbO7MANtt/&access_token={app id}|{app secret}
User interface
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
I guess this issue can be closed as outdated, as there was no activity for 1 year. Also the patched lines do not exist anymore.