I had successfully used WebP (the previous release) in combination with Image Optimize API in a previous project, without issue. I tried the same today, and no image was rendered. I confirmed that my local environment has WebP support enabled, but no image is visible, and attempting to access the image directly shows an "Access Denied" message.
The error that appears in the log is:
Path: /sites/default/files/styles/[image_style]/public/images/[image_name].webp?h=51c99b7d&itok=aU2WBPed. Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException: in Drupal\webp\Controller\ImageStyleDownloadController->deliver() (line 161 of /Users/mandclu/Sites/echidnaville/docroot/modules/contrib/webp/src/Controller/ImageStyleDownloadController.php).
Set up both WebP and ImageOptimize API, with the WebP processor included in the default pipeline. Visit a page that uses a derivative image and observe that the image is not visible, but shows the broken image icon instead.
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.