- 🇮🇳India Harish1688 India
In adminimal_theme.theme file there is function to create a adminimal-custom.css file to override or add custom css code without subthememing/hacking Adminimal Theme.
$form['adminimal_custom']['custom_css'] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Use "adminimal-custom.css"'), '#description' => t('Include adminimal-custom.css file to override or add custom css code without subthememing/hacking Adminimal Theme.'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('custom_css'), ];
To enable the file : -
1. go on pathadmin/appearance/settings/adminimal_theme
2. check the "adminimal-custom.css" checkbox, file will be show onsites/default/files/adminimal-custom.css
.Test result :
It's useful for override or add custom css.