New Block: display total number of subs for a group

Created on 27 August 2020, over 4 years ago
Updated 5 February 2023, about 2 years ago


Group moderators and group admins may be curious about how many active subscriptions there are in their groups. We should create a block to hold this information which can be placed on group home pages.

Proposed resolution

Thinking ahead, this information may have value over time so I'm proposing we add a new database table (rather than just query the existing group_subscription_groups table). As part of a cron job (once per day) check the number of immediate and daily subs for each group. Do not count inactive accounts or accounts that have turned off the group_subscription master switch. Write this data to a table with a date for the current day.

The block will query this table for the most recent record for the group and display the counts. If no counts can be found hide the block.

User interface changes

There should be a new group level permission added called: view group_subscription_statistics.

New block to be placed on group home pages.

Data model changes

New database table required.

Feature request






Created by

🇨🇦Canada JayDarnell Guelph, Ontario

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