Updated issue summary for compatability with Project Browser
A logo has been created by the community for your module for compatibility with Project Browser.
(Requirements-Create a logo that is 512x512 square dimension in PNG format without animations. Suggested file size should be 10k or less. Using the project name in the logo is not recommended.)
Please consider adding this logo. The logo will be displayed in the Project Browser (as well as on drupalcode.org as your project avatar, and on drupal.org on your project page).
Proposed resolution
See attached file for the logo to be used. The logo should be this exact image as we have already ensured it meets requirements for file type, size, etc.
Remaining tasks
INSTRUCTIONS: The logo should be added to the root folder of the repo, and be named logo.png. This must be present on your project’s default branch.
Note: For logos created in a vector format we will follow up to provide the logo in svg format where possible
We need to create an official logo to represent this project.
Proposed resolution
Nico Grienauer (Grienauer) →
has an Amazing job with this! We're talking and he is considering to do this.
Remaining tasks
- Create a logo
- Update project page logo
- Create credits session in project page to publicize the author Job