Values in fields in conditional pages not being cleared

Created on 7 August 2020, almost 4 years ago
Updated 24 May 2024, about 1 month ago


When creating a webform that contains fields inside pages that are hidden / visible by conditions. A user may go down one path to get access the fields on one page, then go back and select an option that hides the page with previously entered fields and goes to another page. On submitting the form, the previosly entered fields values in the hidden page are submitted. This happens even when the page conditional Clear value(s) when hidden option is checked.
This is causing issues with a custom handler as the data is being sent to our CRM. This is different for when the fields themselves (not the pages) are marked as conditional, which do get cleared when the form is saved.

Steps to reproduce

Create a webform with multiple pages that contain fields, one of which is hidden / visible based on a condition on the first page.
Make that page visible and fill in the fields, then go back to the start and select a value that hides the page. Now submit the form. The submitted values are present in the submission when viewing in Table and Data view (but not the Html or Text view).
Here is example webform code

uuid: 88c049a0-2a7f-4ff0-bac1-dbef9dd92b40
langcode: en
status: open
dependencies: {  }
open: null
close: null
weight: 0
uid: 1
template: false
archive: false
id: page_conditonal_test
title: 'Page Conditonal Test'
description: ''
category: Testing
elements: |
    '#type': webform_wizard_page
    '#title': Options
    '#next_button_label': Next
      '#type': radios
      '#title': 'Which Page'
        One: One
        Two: Two
      '#required': true
    '#type': webform_wizard_page
    '#title': 'Page One'
          '!value': One
      '#type': textfield
      '#title': 'Page one text'
    '#type': webform_wizard_page
    '#title': 'Page Two'
          value: Two
    '#states_clear': true
      '#type': textfield
      '#title': 'Page two text'
css: ''
javascript: ''
  ajax: false
  ajax_scroll_top: form
  ajax_progress_type: ''
  ajax_effect: ''
  ajax_speed: null
  page: true
  page_submit_path: ''
  page_confirm_path: ''
  page_theme_name: ''
  form_title: both
  form_submit_once: false
  form_exception_message: ''
  form_open_message: ''
  form_close_message: ''
  form_previous_submissions: true
  form_confidential: false
  form_confidential_message: ''
  form_remote_addr: true
  form_convert_anonymous: false
  form_prepopulate: false
  form_prepopulate_source_entity: false
  form_prepopulate_source_entity_required: false
  form_prepopulate_source_entity_type: ''
  form_reset: false
  form_disable_autocomplete: false
  form_novalidate: false
  form_disable_inline_errors: false
  form_required: false
  form_unsaved: false
  form_disable_back: false
  form_submit_back: false
  form_autofocus: false
  form_details_toggle: false
  form_access_denied: default
  form_access_denied_title: ''
  form_access_denied_message: ''
  form_access_denied_attributes: {  }
  form_file_limit: ''
  share: false
  share_node: false
  share_theme_name: ''
  share_title: true
  share_page_body_attributes: {  }
  submission_label: ''
  submission_log: false
  submission_views: {  }
  submission_views_replace: {  }
  submission_user_columns: {  }
  submission_user_duplicate: false
  submission_access_denied: default
  submission_access_denied_title: ''
  submission_access_denied_message: ''
  submission_access_denied_attributes: {  }
  submission_exception_message: ''
  submission_locked_message: ''
  submission_excluded_elements: {  }
  submission_exclude_empty: false
  submission_exclude_empty_checkbox: false
  previous_submission_message: ''
  previous_submissions_message: ''
  autofill: false
  autofill_message: ''
  autofill_excluded_elements: {  }
  wizard_progress_bar: true
  wizard_progress_pages: false
  wizard_progress_percentage: false
  wizard_progress_link: false
  wizard_progress_states: false
  wizard_auto_forward: true
  wizard_start_label: ''
  wizard_preview_link: false
  wizard_confirmation: true
  wizard_confirmation_label: ''
  wizard_track: ''
  wizard_prev_button_label: ''
  wizard_next_button_label: ''
  wizard_toggle: false
  wizard_toggle_show_label: ''
  wizard_toggle_hide_label: ''
  preview: 0
  preview_label: ''
  preview_title: ''
  preview_message: ''
  preview_attributes: {  }
  preview_excluded_elements: {  }
  preview_exclude_empty: true
  preview_exclude_empty_checkbox: false
  draft: none
  draft_multiple: false
  draft_auto_save: false
  draft_saved_message: ''
  draft_loaded_message: ''
  draft_pending_single_message: ''
  draft_pending_multiple_message: ''
  confirmation_type: page
  confirmation_title: ''
  confirmation_message: ''
  confirmation_url: ''
  confirmation_attributes: {  }
  confirmation_back: true
  confirmation_back_label: ''
  confirmation_back_attributes: {  }
  confirmation_exclude_query: false
  confirmation_exclude_token: false
  confirmation_update: false
  limit_total: null
  limit_total_interval: null
  limit_total_message: ''
  limit_total_unique: false
  limit_user: null
  limit_user_interval: null
  limit_user_message: ''
  limit_user_unique: false
  entity_limit_total: null
  entity_limit_total_interval: null
  entity_limit_user: null
  entity_limit_user_interval: null
  purge: none
  purge_days: null
  results_disabled: false
  results_disabled_ignore: false
  results_customize: false
  token_view: false
  token_update: false
      - anonymous
      - authenticated
    users: {  }
    permissions: {  }
    roles: {  }
    users: {  }
    permissions: {  }
    roles: {  }
    users: {  }
    permissions: {  }
    roles: {  }
    users: {  }
    permissions: {  }
    roles: {  }
    users: {  }
    permissions: {  }
    roles: {  }
    users: {  }
    permissions: {  }
    roles: {  }
    users: {  }
    permissions: {  }
    roles: {  }
    users: {  }
    permissions: {  }
    roles: {  }
    users: {  }
    permissions: {  }
    roles: {  }
    users: {  }
    permissions: {  }
    roles: {  }
    users: {  }
    permissions: {  }
handlers: {  }
variants: {  }

Proposed resolution

The submitted values in hidden pages should be cleared, unless the checkbox to not clear them is checked.

πŸ› Bug report






Created by

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§United Kingdom andybroomfield

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