Trying to keep things in config, I figured I'd use Views Field View to pull in a number I need to manipulate against numbers stored in a different related entity.
All the values I need are output as fields (two from one entity, one from a view of another) so that's working properly. My next step was to create a Simple Math Field and input a simple formula - I kept getting the wrong results, then went in and deleted everything aside from the @view token and the result was 0. In the views preview Views Field View is outputting the following markup:
<div class="view view-test-modulation-values view-id-test_modulation_values_ view-display-id-block_1 js-view-dom-id-3cf6bdd0119745ecb9f4ebc12439c9451b5e57ddc13d8750851c93f2075d9bf5">
<div class="view-content">
Back in the view I'm trying to pull in, there's raw and rendered tokens as below, but in Views Simple Field I don't have the choice between. I assume it defaults on raw for obvious reasons, but in this case it's confused. All the default classes are unchecked, as well as wrapper/element etc.
{{ raw_fields.view }} == Global: View (raw)
{{ fields.view }} == Global: View (rendered)
Let me know if you feel this belongs in VFV instead.