Config import fails with database exception. Table 'path_alias' doesn't exist

Created on 29 January 2020, over 4 years ago
Updated 5 November 2023, 10 months ago

Steps to reproduce:
Site with not enabled 'language' module.
After upgrade to 8.8 module 'path_alias' must be installed before 'language'.
When import is trying to sync language extension its fails:

[2020-01-28T19:32:27.194Z] In Connection.php line 695:


[2020-01-28T19:32:27.194Z]   SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'path_alias' doesn't exist: SELECT AS id, base_table.path   

[2020-01-28T19:32:27.194Z]   AS path, base_table.alias AS alias, base_table.langcode AS langcode          

[2020-01-28T19:32:27.194Z]   FROM                                                                         

[2020-01-28T19:32:27.194Z]   {path_alias} base_table                                                      

[2020-01-28T19:32:27.194Z]   WHERE (base_table.status = :db_condition_placeholder_0) AND (base_table.pat  

[2020-01-28T19:32:27.194Z]   h LIKE :db_condition_placeholder_1 ESCAPE '\\') AND (base_table.langcode IN  

[2020-01-28T19:32:27.194Z]    (:db_condition_placeholder_2, :db_condition_placeholder_3))                 

[2020-01-28T19:32:27.194Z]   ORDER BY base_table.langcode ASC, DESC; Array                  

[2020-01-28T19:32:27.194Z]   (                                                                            

[2020-01-28T19:32:27.194Z]       [:db_condition_placeholder_0] => 1                                       

[2020-01-28T19:32:27.194Z]       [:db_condition_placeholder_1] => /taxonomy/term/11                       

[2020-01-28T19:32:27.194Z]       [:db_condition_placeholder_2] => en                                      

[2020-01-28T19:32:27.194Z]       [:db_condition_placeholder_3] => und                                     

[2020-01-28T19:32:27.194Z]   )                                                                            



[2020-01-28T19:32:27.194Z] In Statement.php line 59:


[2020-01-28T19:32:27.194Z]   SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'path_alias' doesn't exist     
🐛 Bug report

Closed: outdated


11.0 🔥

Language system 

Last updated 1 day ago

  • Maintained by
  • 🇩🇪Germany @sun
Created by

🇧🇾Belarus impol

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  • 🇳🇿New Zealand quietone New Zealand

    I think this should be at needs review and not PMNMI because the question asked in #10 is for other reviews and isn't to be supplied by reporters of the problem. However, here we are.

    Yes, Drupal 8 is EOL. There has been no other reports of this particular problem. this is perhaps related to an update of path_alias failed. I am added a related issue.

    I am closing this issue. If this is preventing the upgrade of a site to a supported version of Drupal, open a new issue and reference this one.


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