Icons not showing in IE

Created on 2 December 2019, over 5 years ago
Updated 23 June 2023, over 1 year ago

Hey guys,

I've noticed that it can happen that svg icons are not shown in IE.
This is not a bug with this module per se, but an IE bug.
Ive tried simply using instead of but that did not help.
What helped for me personally was using this polyfill in my project:

To be more precise: I searched a CDN and added it in my theme inside mytheme.libraries.yml file:

# svgxuse - make svg use work in IE - https://github.com/Keyamoon/svgxuse
    https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/svgxuse@1.2.6/svgxuse.min.js: { type: external, minified: true }

and then I included that library into my theme inside mytheme.info.yml file:

  - .. (probably your js and css libraries here)
  - mytheme/svg-ie

After this, all svg icons are shown in my project, so I hope this helps you guys too if you are having IE svg issues.
I do not think this polyfill should be included in this library itself as it is a general IE issue and nothing specific ot this module.

πŸ› Bug report

Closed: won't fix





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πŸ‡§πŸ‡ͺBelgium flyke

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